5 Food Ideas for a Lockdown

Yes, it took me a partial lockdown to start posting on my blog again. I’m not sure what that says about me, but with our limited pantries, (seemingly) dwindling food supplies, and grocery run anxiety—that Bird Box convenience store scene comes to mind—now is as good a time as any to start posting on the blog again.

So for those of you stuck at home, not sure of what to cook, what to get on your next grocery run, or what to do with the insane amount of food you’ve stockpiled from your panic-buy, here are five recipes that work in a pinch, whether it’s for a quick weeknight meal, or to meal-prep for a week. Even with a limited pantry, these are some useful recipes for ya!

Miso Mushroom Pasta

Ah, pasta. Alongside sacks of rice and Shin Ramyun packs, pasta might just be the staple carb of any dystopian pantry.

And before you cry foul on how neither miso or mushrooms are pantry staples, I’d like to make a case for them both.

Because if this were to ever plunge into a full-blown apocalypse, a tub of miso will be in my list of must-haves, along with a pack of dried shiitakes, the Chinese sort. They last just about forever, have plenty of nutrients, and most of all, both lend so much unexpected depth and flavor to any dish they’re used in. Make soup bases with them, toss them through fried rice, and yes, fold them through pasta, and any dystopian meal will be less dystopian.

(Credit where it’s due: I learnt this from the kitchens of Table & Apron; they’re doing delivery right now in this partial lockdown!)

Miso Mushroom Pasta



Got a bunch of vegetables you panic-bought, that are now half-rotting and going to waste? Pickle them, and they’ll last longer than a pandemic. Just ready a regular pickle brine—vinegar, sugar, water, and salt—and plop the vegetables in, whole or sliced, and pop them into the fridge. They’ll make for a zingy side dish, or a palate-opening appetizer to begin any meal.

Any-Nut Brittle

No apocalyptic starter pack is complete without a few power bars or a pack of trial mix. But if you’re in the mood for something heftier and more DIY, fold any nuts and seeds and dried fruit you have through caramel, let it set, and crack it up into large hunks. They make for the perfect brittle to snack on as you watch the news of the virus spread.

Any-Nut Brittle

Kimchi Carbonara

Kimchi Carbonara

If you’re looking for an easy, near-instant flavor bomb, this kimchi carbonara is a surefire way to make you excited about food again. Kimchi gets better with age, so does cheese, and perhaps bacon too (I mean, I know I’m pushing it but meat aging is a thing). So really the only thing that might have problem lasting is the eggs. But if you still want a killer dish that will make the people on the other end of your work-from-home conference call jealous as heck, this one’s hard to beat.

Upside-Down Cake

Finally, if you’re hankering for something sweet, upside-down cakes work really well, with any and every fruit you have. (Even a combination of several fruits, maybe nuts if you have them, will work surprisingly well!)

I made mine with starfruit, but this technique works for just about any cake. Just caramelize the fruits, pour in the cake batter, and bake till golden like the sunset you might never see again. (Sorry, that got morbid. And I know, the situation isn’t at all that dire; I just got carried away drawing parallels, heh.)

Strafruit Upside-Down Cake

Stay safe and stay strong, y’all!

~Sending love from afar (at least 3 feet away)~
